The World Through a Child's Eyes

Today as I walked with my daughter, I noticed how differently she looks at the world. To her, the world is a wonderful place. She does not see the wickedness or evil that we do. She sees the beauty all around her. She hears the dog barking and is excited that she is going to see a "puppy". We hear the dog barking and wishes he would just be quiet. She sees the dandelions all over the place and sees them as beautiful flowers, we see them as weeds. She sees the puddles as a playground, we see them as inconvenient as they get us and our vehicles dirty.

As I began to look at the world through her eyes, I realized how thankful for everything she is. She does not complain but enjoys the simple things in life. She does not wish for things she does not have, she enjoys what she does have. She does not know the difference between rich or poor, she appreciates everything mommy and daddy give her. She sees everyday as another day to play and live life. She never complains about Mondays or wishes for Friday - everyday is a good day to her.

God is so good to my daughter and she counts her blessings without even realizing she does so. Do we do the same? If we all looked at the world and life through a child's eyes, would our lives be different? Would they be happier and more fulfilled?

*Thanks to Lauren Elise Photography for this beautiful picture of my daughter. Thank you for allowing me to use this picture along with this post.

Please do not take this post or picture from this site.
It is the property of Money Saving Tips for a Keeper at Home and Lauren Elise Photography.


Anonymous said...

This is sweet Rachael. I love the picture and I love the thought line. Reminds me of
Pslam 107:8,15,21and 31.
You are right. We old people can still have that child like wonder if we really want to.
I love you and your precious family... Dianne Cobb

katy said...

That is a beautiful photo of your beautiful daughter. This made me think. Thanks.