If no you are no longer nursing, Due Maternity has some great baby products. I love the Mambino Organics Just Hatched Baby Arrival Kit along with their other great organic skin care products. There are also some great baby gear and clothing to choose from.
Due Maternity now has their own blog and you can find some great articles on everything from pregnancy to shopping with baby. Did I mention that I write over there? You'll find articles by expectant moms and moms with brand new babies.
Due Maternity has generously offered to give one of my readers a $25 giftcard! Even if you are not pregnant or nursing, this would make a great baby shower gift!
If you like more chances to win $25 giftcards to Due Maternity, check out Green Mama's Pad and The Morris Bunch. Maybe you'll win all three and have $75 to spend!
1. Head over to the Due Maternity blog and tell me about an article that you read. Do NOT copy and paste an article from there. Put it in your own words! Please leave me your name and email address also. Do this one first!!!
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This giveaway ends October 28, 2009 and is open to US residents only. Make sure that you leave your email address in each comment. Leave a separate comment for every entry that you make so that these will count for you! Have fun and I look forward to announcing the winners of this great giveaway!
I like the Maternity Top with Wrap by Shade. amypugmire@live.com
I read the pink or blue article. Very interesting. However I have never found out what I am having... :) Crystal Porter - cporter2@gmail.com
I follow your blog- Crystal Porter- cporter2@gmail.com
I get your emails- Crystal Porter- cporter2@gmail.com
I read that you should massage your belly. I had no idea that doing that was so benificial I will remember to do that with the next one.
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I follow you both on twitter.
I subscribed to due maternity's email
Love the Hushabye baby cds. I would choose the Johnny Cash one. I just love his music & think it would be quite soothing :)
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patti connors bright
I read Green is the New Black
The article was well written. I think it's neat they have the Due-O-Matic Calculator, a form to connect with other pregnant moms, gift registry and more.
I follow on twitter (AStarrAMama)
sign me up
I like the wrap maternity top! Thanks for the chance.
I read the article/video on how to massage your belly. I didn't realize that you could bond with your child through massage BEFORE birth!
I read the article about baby foods for vegetarians and learned that they have complex meat-free flavors
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Follow on twitter under juliemeagan
I enjoyed the article about shopping for baby basics. I've always thought people spend far too much money for things that their babies are just going to outgrow in a few months anyway.
How to massage a pregnant belly!!
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
I loved the article about keeping track of your nursing schedule with a new iPhone app. Very cool and I will definitely be downloading it when my daughter is born.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I subscribed to Due Maternity blogs emails. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
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lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I'm following both you and Due Maternity on Twitter user lisalmg.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I'm a fan of both Money Saving Tips for a Keeper at Home and Due Maternity on Facebook user Lisa Garner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I read "Green is the new Black" and it had a lot of interesting info about organics.
I follow your blog.
I'm an e-mail subscriber.
I read about finding out the sex of your baby. (The Pink or Blue Early DNA Gender Test. I also read about belly massage. Very interesting. My best friend is pregnant and I would love to give her this gift. Thank you!
caitlin_melody (at) yahoo (dot) com
I read about the Pink or Blue Pregnancy/Gender test. It sounds like a neat experiment to try!
I read about using your iPhone or iPod to track your Nursing Schedule. Another reason to cancel Sprint :)
i read Shopping for Baby Basics
email subscriber to due maternity's blog
I read the article concerning the Pink or Blue gender test and found out it is 95% accurate and has a money back guarantee.
smitchathome at aol dot com
I read Mamalicious Monday: Green is the new Black and learned that Due Maternity actually does carry organic items!
Finding out if you're having a boy or a girl :)
Massage must be good pre, during and post pregnancy [I read the massage article and had no idea people did it while preggo].
Im a blog follower.
I subscribed to their blog.
I liked the Organic Baby Food for Vegetarians article and thought it had a lot of good ideas.
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Las Vegas, Nevada
I subscribed by email.
Las Vegas, Nevada
I became a fan of Money Saving Tips for a Keeper at Home and Due Maternity on Facebook.
Las Vegas, Nevada
I read the article about the organic Baby food Sprout Baby. Looks interesting. I am single but I would be getting this for a friend who is expecting. Thanks for the chance:)
esterried @ yahoo.com
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