Let the Fun Begin!

How we went from this:

To this:

So quickly I will never know!  Today Gabriel turned 6 months old so the fun has just begun in our house.

 In the coming months, we will introduce food, babblings will turn into words, mobility is inevitable and transforming from a baby into a toddler will begin.  I'm not quite ready for it as I love my baby but I know that this time is important for him.  I'll be sharing our favorite first foods and the best gear that I have found to make introducing those foods the easiest. 

Pray for me as I now will soon have two little ones into everything.  :-)  Pray I don't pull my hair out and that I survive this exciting time in our lives.


katy said...

It will be so much fun, trying at times, but two close in age are perfect.

Night Owl Mama said...

Oh the fun your gonna have in the next few months the 1st's will be arriving almost daily

Happy 6month birthday little cutie

Mine turns two in 2 months..Scary!