Remembering What Is Most Important

As I sat near my husband's grandmother as she died, I listened to her talk - "Daddy, hold my hand."  "Daddy, where are you?  Please take my hand."  "Daddy, will you walk with me.  Please hold my hand."  Over and over again, this dying 81 year old woman called out for her daddy.  Her daddy was not there at her deathbed and from what the family has told us was not the father he should have been while she was growing up. 

As I grieved over her words, I walked away with an important lesson - my children are the most important ministry or job I have in this life and may my life now show them that so that one day when they are old, they know I would have been there to hold their hand if I could. 

Our lives are so busy with technology, obtaining the newest toys for our families, and pursuing the careers that we tend the miss the little things in our children's lives that are so important.  There comes a time everyday when we need to set aside our things and give to our children.  Read that book that they have waited all day for you to read.  Sit and have that tea party with all of your little girl's stuffed friends.  Play pat-a-cake with the baby will not remember the game but will remember the love and time you invested in him. 

May our children always know that our hand is there and that we will walk through life with them if they want us to.  We will never be perfect parents but may our children always know that we love them more than our cell phones, our computers, our careers, and our toys. 

What is most important to you?