You Never Know If You Will Have Tomorrow

This morning I woke with the overwhelming thought to just hug my daughter.  My two year old who is into everything.  Not long after getting her out of bed while looking through my Twitter account seeing one giveaway after another, a few random things - my eyes fell upon @ResourcefulMom telling another Twitter friend that she supported her through this hard time and to ignore those that were saying horrible things. 

I quickly decided to see what was going on and found out to my horror that a blogger friend, Shellie over at, lost her son yesterday.  He was two years old and accidentally fell into a pool and is today in heaven. 

My heart goes out to Shellie and her family as they grieve this loss just ten days before Christmas.  This is a loss as a parent that you dread - a child should outlive you not die before you.  As you see your little ones today - hug them close, thank God for them, and when you might get irritated - remember you never know if they will be here tomorrow.

Please pray for Shellie today.  If you would like to send her card, Trisha at will be sending a box of cards to her next Monday.  She will make sure all cards are sent over to Shellie. My card will be going out today. 

To those who are saying negative things and saying this report is a scam - please do not dare to leave a comment here.  I will post your IP address here, block you, and sent it to every blogger I know to block you also.  This is a time to support Shellie and her family - this could happen to anyone and I am praying that my readers will support Shellie. 

Hold those little ones tight today and don't forget to say "I love you."


Unknown said...

i saw that too! so sad! and ur are rite!

ashley t said...

Shellie and her family will be in my prayers. I can't imagine what she is going through!